Monday, September 7, 2009

Starting New

I have been married for 11 years, known my husband for 13. We traveled and lived out many dreams. We wanted a family and tried for almost 6 years before God blessed us with two little miracles. During this time my husband found another 'love'. I tried with all my might to change his heart. He chose her.

Now here I am starting new at 33. I NEVER thought I would be here pondering a new life. Thinking of dating. Being alone with children. A single mom. I thought we would grow old together, sitting in rockers thinking back over life.

This is a scary road I am on. Such a new and unknown road. I know I am not alone. I have my family and friends but most of all God.


  1. First of all, I love your new header and title . . . very telling of what's to come for you. I know this isn't the life you imagined for yourself, but even though it isnt' you will learn to see the blessings again. You can do this.

  2. Love you Sunny! We're here for you.

  3. 1 have 2 girlfriends going through the same (but different). My thoughts and prayers are with you Sunny!!!!

  4. De-lurking to say: I've been following you since... 2005 or 2006, and have been praying for you all along. I'm so happy you have made it this far, even with all the bumps (small and huge) you've encountered along the way. I'm so very sorry your marriage has reached this point, but as you said, God is in control. He has brought you here for a reason, and you just know it will all be made clear to you at some point. You'll be able to look back and say, "I see." And whatever reward is awaiting you at that point will be worth all that you're going through now. Just hang in there and hold to your faith.

    And congratulations on becoming a mother! I know that's hard too, but it DOES get easier in time. Just one day at a time! You can do it.


  5. LOVE YOU!! Wish I were a friend closer in proximity :(

  6. I have been following you for at least 2 years. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I am so happy for you that you have the babies, though. Hugs.

  7. Thinking and praying for you Sunny. I'm so sorry to hear about this crap you now have to endure.

  8. just come across you blog... praying for you.. put everything into your babies and the rest will fall into place.. big hugs!
